Thursday, April 16, 2020

Does Democracy Sample Essay Examines the Rights of Citizens?

Does Democracy Sample Essay Examines the Rights of Citizens?Does Democracy Sample Essay Examines the Rights of Citizens? It should, but sadly it doesn't. Read on to discover why democracy doesn't examine the rights of citizens and why you should avoid it at all costs.Democracy is an old concept. It goes back hundreds of years, even to ancient Athens. Yet there is a problem with democracy: it is not based on any particular principles. For example, what is democracy really based on?Most people would agree that a fair distribution of wealth is a principle of democracy. But how exactly is this fair? You don't just hand out money to the poor and give it to them in a lump sum. That would not be fair, would it? Fair distribution is about knowing what one has or is entitled to, something that is measured against your abilities, not just arbitrarily chosen by somebody.That is why, in every country, we find that the decent standard of living is determined by a people's merit. No nation is perf ect and no one country can be trusted. There are always issues of unfairness. But if you look at the goodness of the standards and conditions of living, you will realize that the good society is a result of well-defined human rights, which are not randomly selected.Of course, we can understand this from the benefits that we derive from democracy, but do we get a fair definition of what democracy actually means by democracy? This is where the difference between democracy and anarchy becomes clear.Anarchy means a state of things in which no one has control over their life and the whole society is a chaos. There is no such thing as an individual who is given a seat at the head of society. In such a society there is no law which is valid and none can be defied. A thousand armed men may take up arms against one.Democracy means a nation where there is no such thing as a government. If it were so, then people would be able to say that they are above the law and could rob and plunder the co mmon people of the nation. But that is the level of tyranny, and nothing can be achieved by that.So does democracy examine the rights of citizens? No, in fact the opposite is true. Democracy is a farce, and anarchy is the only form of government that can be effective.

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